

Europe in your life

A network of smart cities.

Europe Network in your life is born with the aim to help revitalize the local economy of the territories attached by:

1. An Interregional cooperation whose major function is to generate high visibility and reputation in the Internet on behalf of each part in a particular way. This cooperation, in turn, makes possible to optimize investments and ensure energy conservation and the resources, its efficiency and profitability.

2. Promoting the use of new technologies within the city in a more efficient and interactive way between local businesses, citizens, companies and entrepreneurs. Enabling easy interaction between people depending on their role at every moment (entrepreneur, merchant, consumer, public administrator, ...).

3. The development of a whole European and continental strategy of positioning and visibility in the global network, relying on the transfer of technology, knowledge and experience from the cooperation between governments, economic units and people.

Gateway Territorial

The Europe in your life network is build through the addition of Regional Gateways. These Gateways are a window on the network that enhances the power and visibility thanks to its internal architecture based on the cooperation and optimization of resources between municipalities. It is, therefore, an interface designed to:

1. Encourage interaction between the cultural, economic and social promoting of the city and the citizens. Its effects are growing because of the formation of the cooperative network.

2. Channel the high energy resulting from this interaction and lead it back -no need for new investment or cost- to the different economic units (SMEs, entrepreneurs, government, ...)

3. Provide access to information of the people with the aim of achieving a high collective intelligence so to increase local competitiveness.

4. Thanks to the Gateway, each territory may pose more innovation actions and strategies between local commerce, culture, entrepreneurship and good governance.

5. Be self-sustainable, whose expansion favors to a clear reduction of costs and to an efficiency and a potential every time increased. Increasing prosperity and making up positions on the European model of social welfare.

Links to the network Europe in Your Life:
Mari Carmen Pérez
In memoriam
Mari Carmen Pérez
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08940 Cornellà de Llobregat BARCELONA
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Cruz de Jujol